asphalt macadam
asphalt macadam
asphalt macadam
′a‚sfȯlt mə′kad·əm
Pavement made with an asphalt binder rather than tar.
asphaltic macadam
A pavement similar to macadam but having asphalt as the binder in place of tar.
purdue varsity glee club
purdy, charles wesley
purdy, james
purdy, james otis
purdy test
pure 120 hz
pure absence
pure active ingredient
pure (album)
pure alexia and right hemiachromatopsia
pure (alpha-spin-state) unrestricted moeller-plesset
pure (alpha-spin-state) unrestricted moeller-plesset, nth-order
pure and applied logic
pure and applied mathematics quarterly
pure and bright festival
pure and primitive diffuse leprosy
pure android
pure android phone
pure and simple
pure aphasias
pure as the driven snow
pure auditory agnosia
pure austrian design
pure autonomic failure
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