intermediate uveitis

in·ter·me·di·ate u·ve·i·tis

neither anterior nor posterior, intermediate uveitis tends to involve the pars plana and the ciliary body.


(u-ve-i'tis) A nonspecific term for any intraocular inflammatory disorder. The uveal tract structures—iris, ciliary body, and choroid—are usually involved, but other nonuveal parts of the eye, including the retina and cornea, may be involved.

Uveitis that is not associated with known infections or that is associated with diseases of unknown cause is termed endogenous uveitis. This is thought to be due to an autoimmune phenomenon.


Corticosteroids and other immunosuppressive agents, including cyclosporine, are used in treating some causes of uveitis, but their use may make some types of uveitus worse.

Short-acting cycloplegic agents such as hematropine, scopolamine, or cyclopentolate are used during therapy to prevent inflammatory adhesions (posterior synechiae) between the iris and lens.

diffuse uveitis


intermediate uveitis

Pars planitis.

sympathetic uveitis

Severe, bilateral uveitis that starts as inflammation of the uveal tract of one eye resulting from a puncture wound. The injured eye is termed the “exciting eye.” See: sympathetic ophthalmia


High-dose corticosteroids are often effective.