intermediomedial frontal branch of callosomarginal artery

intermediomedial frontal branch of callosomarginal artery

[TA] branch of middle portion of callosomarginal artery to anterosuperior portion of medial aspect of frontal lobe of cerebrum. Synonym(s): ramus frontalis intermediomedialis arteriae callosomarginalis [TA]

in·ter·me·di·o·me·di·al fron·tal branch of cal·lo·so·mar·gi·nal ar·te·ry

(in'tĕr-mē'dē-ō-mē'dē-ăl frŏn'tăl branch kă-lō'sō-mahr'ji-năl ahr'tĕr-ē) [TA] Branch of middle portion of callosomarginal artery to anterosuperior portion of medial aspect of frontal lobe of cerebrum.