Integrated Production and Cost Standards

Integrated Production (Time) and Cost Standards


limit values of time input allowed for performing a certain type of work of a determined volume, as well as the rate of the remuneration for work unit; these standards are fixed in advance for certain sectors of industry or groups of enterprises. The integrated production (time) and cost standards are introduced for certain of the most widespread and comparatively uncomplicated types of work with limited number of organizational and technological alternative methods of completion. For example, they are used in various kinds of construction and fitting operations (including earth, stone, and plaster work), loading and unloading, and lumbering. The application of the standards requires that the technical and organizational conditions for the completion of rated operations correspond to the set norms to the maximum extent and that the list of operations be unified. If the standards are used, the rating of homogeneous types of work is considerably simplified. In setting the standards, the organizational and technical conditions accepted are those typical of one or another group of operations on the basis of an efficient technological process, an efficient organization of production, and scientifically organized labor.

The production standards and the cost standards are influenced by the conditions under which the work is performed, the technique and the production technology, the level of organization of production and labor, and the composition and qualifications of the staff. Since the work elements may change in the process of implementation (for example, depending on the type and load-carrying capacity of a motor vehicle or on the moving distance), established time norms have to be adjusted accordingly. In manuals of integrated production (time) and cost standards, differentiated standards are included for all work elements; these standards can be added to the time rate allowed for standard work. The daily work-load norm is calculated by dividing the shift allocation of working time of a worker by the adjusted time norm.

The integrated production (time) and cost standards are mandatory for all state enterprises, without regard to the branch of government administration. They are reviewed in the same order as the local work norms, that is, by agreement between the administration and the respective trade union bodies. The integrated cost standards are calculated taking into account the composition and professional qualifications of the staff on the basis of actual hourly or shift production standards and daily wage rates. Depending on the sphere of application, the integrated production (time) and cost standards are subdivided into ail-Union, republic, and regional (basin) standards.