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International Freedom Festival Freedom Festival, InternationalLate June to early JulyThe International Freedom Festival takes place each summer in the neighboring cities of Windsor, Canada, and Detroit, Michigan. The festival began in 1958 as a means of promoting tourism and providing local residents with summertime activities. It celebrates the historically friendly relationship between Canada and the United States. The festival starts in late June and ends in early July to celebrate Canada Day on July 1 and the U.S. Fourth of July. Events have included a rope-pulling contest across the Detroit River, a tug-boat race, a chili-cooking contest, a variety of concerts, carnival rides, a Canada Day parade and party, fireworks displays, and special events for children, the elderly, and the disabled. CONTACTS: The Parade Company 9500 Mt. Elliott, Studio A Detroit, MI 48211 313-923-7400; fax: 313-923-2920 www.theparade.org