Information Resource Management
Information Resource Management
IRM views information and Information Technology as anintegrating factor in the organisation, that is, the variousorganisational positions that manage information arecoordinated and work together toward common ends. Further,IRM looks for ways in which the management of information andthe management of Information Technology are interrelated, andfosters that interrelationship and organisational integration.
IRM includes the management of (1) the broad range ofinformation resources, e.g., printed materials, electronicinformation, and microforms, (2) the various technologies andequipment that manipulate these resources, and (3) the peoplewho generate, organise, and disseminate those resources.Overall the intent of IRM is to increase the usefulness ofgovernment information both to the government and to thepublic.
[Gary D. Blass et al. "Finding Government Information: TheFederal Information Locator System (FILS)", GovernmentInformation Quarterly, JAI Press, Inc., Greenwich,Connecticut. Vol. 8, No. 1, pp. 11-32. 1991].