

(in'tĕr-kŭs-pā'shŭn), 1. The cusp-to-fossa relationship of the maxillary and mandibular posterior teeth to each other. 2. The interlocking or fitting together of the cusps of opposing teeth. Synonym(s): interdigitation (4) Synonym(s): intercusping


(in'tĕr-kŭs-pā'shŭn) 1. The cusp-to-fossa relation of the maxillary and mandibular posterior teeth to each other. 2. The interlocking or fitting together of the cusps of opposing teeth.
Synonym(s): interdigitation (4) .


(in'tĕr-kŭs-pā'shŭn) 1. Cusp-to-fossa relationship of maxillary and mandibular posterior teeth to each other. 2. Interlocking or fitting together of cusps of opposing teeth.
Synonym(s): interdigitation.