Acronym | Definition |
AHR➣American Historical Review (Journal of the American History Association) |
AHR➣Aryl Hydrocarbon Receptor |
AHR➣Anchor |
AHR➣Address High Register |
AHR➣Australian Health Review (Australian Healthcare & Hospitals Association) |
AHR➣Adjusted Hazard Ratio |
AHR➣Assisted Human Reproduction |
AHR➣airway hyper-responsiveness |
AHR➣Academic Human Resources (various organizations) |
AHR➣Active Head Restraint |
AHR➣Advancing Human Rights (New York, NY) |
AHR➣Average Hull Roughness (sailing) |
AHR➣Air-Conditioning Heating Refrigeration |
AHR➣Average Heart Rate |
AHR➣Alt.healing.reiki (Usenet newsgroup) |
AHR➣Ampere-Hour |
AHR➣American Haflinger Registry (Akron, OH, USA) |
AHR➣Artists for Human Rights (Calabasas, CA) |
AHR➣Aviemore Highland Resort, Ltd. (Scotland, UK) |
AHR➣Aqueous Homogeneous Reactor |
AHR➣Acceptable Hazard Rate |
AHR➣Absorptive Heat Recovery |
AHR➣Ad Hoc Router |
AHR➣After Heat Removal |
AHR➣Attack Helicopter Regiment |
AHR➣Association for Health Records |
AHR➣Accumulated Hazard Rate |
AHR➣Archives de l'Histoire Rurale (French: Archives of Rural History; Switzerland) |
AHR➣Applied Horticultural Research |
AHR➣Advanced Hawkeye Radar |
AHR➣Altantic Ham Radio Ltd. |
AHR➣Avenir et Histoire des Recycleurs (French: Future and History of Recyclers) |
AHR➣Atelier Hautes Résolutions (French: High Resolution Workshop) |
AHR➣After Honeymoon Reception |
AHR➣Academy of Human Rights |
AHR➣Asset Health Review |
AHR➣Andrew Hayes Racing (kart racing team) |