International Labor Movement, Institute of the
International Labor Movement, Institute of the
a scientific research institute of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR that studies the condition and struggle of the working class, primarily in the period of the general crisis of capitalism. The institute is located in Moscow and was founded in 1966.
The principal subject areas studied by the institute are the economic and social conditions of the life of workers and nonproletarian groups of working people; the strategy and tactics of the labor movement, in particular the communist labor movement; the problems of proletarian internationalism and the struggle for the unity of all working people against imperialism; the ideology and politics of different schools of social reformism and right and “left” revisionism; the activity of trade unions and the youth, women’s, antiwar, and other general democratic movements; and the history of the labor movement. The institute offers graduate study for training scientific cadres. It maintains regular contacts with foreign research centers and publishes the journal Rabochii klass i sovremennyi mir (The Working Class and the Modern World, since 1971) and the scientific reference yearbook Mezhdunarodnoe rabochee dvizhenie (The International Labor Movement, since 1971).