International Classification of Health Problems in Primary Care

In·ter·na·tion·al Clas·si·fi·ca·tion of Health Prob·lems in Pri·ma·ry Care (ICHPPC),

(in'tĕr-na'shŭn-ăl klas'i-fi-kā'shŭn helth prob'lemz prī'mă-rē kār), A classification of diseases, conditions and problems arranged for use in primary care where diagnostic precision is seldom possible.

In·ter·na·tion·al Clas·si·fi·ca·tion of Health Prob·lems in Pri·ma·ry Care

(in'tĕr-nash'ŭn-ăl klas'i-fi-kā'shŭn helth prob'lĕmz prī'mar-ē kār) A classification of diseases, conditions, and problems arranged for use in primary care where diagnostic precision is seldom possible.