inferior constrictor muscle of pharynx

in·fer·i·or con·stric·tor mus·cle of phar·ynx

(in-fēr'ē-ŏr kŏn-strik'tŏr mŭs'ĕl far'ingks) Origin, outer surfaces of thyroid (thyropharyngeal part) and cricoid (cricopharyngeal part, musculus cricopharyngeus; superior or upper esophageal sphincter muscle) cartilages; insertion, pharyngeal raphe in the posterior portion of wall of pharynx; action, narrows lower part of pharynx in swallowing, the cricopharyngeal part has a sphincteric function for the esophagus, allowing some voluntary control of eructation and reflux; nerve supply, pharyngeal plexus.
Synonym(s): laryngopharyngeus, musculus constrictor pharyngis inferior, musculus laryngopharyngeus, superior esophageal sphincter.


Gustav, German laryngologist, 1860-1921. Killian antrum cannulaKillian bundle - Synonym(s): inferior constrictor muscle of pharynxKillian cannulaKillian elevatorKillian frontal sinus chiselKillian frontoethmoidectomy procedureKillian gougeKillian incisionKillian nasal speculumKillian operation - an operation for frontal sinus disease.Killian septal compression forcepsKillian septal elevatorKillian septal speculumKillian tonsil knifeKillian triangle - the triangular-shaped area of the cervical esophagus. Synonym(s): Laimer triangleKillian-Lynch suspension laryngoscope