inferior epigastric artery

in·fe·ri·or ep·i·gas·tric ar·ter·y

[TA] origin, external iliac; branches, cremasteric, muscular and pubic; anastomoses, superior epigastric, obturator. With overlying peritoneum, forms lateral umbilical ligament and forms a basis for distinguishing types of inguinal herniae: direct hernias pass medial to the artery; indirect hernias pass laterally. Synonym(s): arteria epigastrica inferior [TA], deep epigastric artery

inferior epigastric artery

A branch of the external iliac artery, just above the inguinal ligament; it runs upward and medially along the anterior abdominal wall medial to the internal inguinal ring. It then continues upward in the rectus sheath and eventually anastomoses with the superior epigastric artery, which is running downward in the sheath. See also: artery