International Union of Architects IUA

International Union of Architects (IUA)


an international organization with no government affiliation. Founded in 1948, the IUA has as its aim the creation of favorable living conditions. It makes recommendations for the renovation of old cities, the building of new cities and villages, and the organization of public services and amenities. The IUA also struggles to raise the artistic, practical, and technical qualities of architecture.

The IUA’S highest body is the general assembly, which is convened every two years. The assembly elects the 21-member executive committee and the bureau. The organization has standing commissions and work groups, as well as its own council and secretariat. It has a consultative status with UNESCO and ECOSOC (Economic and Social Council of the UN). It also has official relations with the World Health Organization.

The national and regional architectural associations of 76 countries, comprising approximately 200,000 architects (1973), belong to IUA. The organization’s permanent headquarters is in Paris. In 1972 the Soviet architect G. M. Orlov was elected president of the IUA.