

单词 atl






(Active Template Library) A set of software routines from Microsoft that provide the basic framework for creating ActiveX and COM objects. Stemming from the standard template library (STL) that comes with C++ compilers, ATL includes an object wizard that sets up primary structure of the objects very quickly. See COM and ActiveX.



Abbreviation for adult T-cell leukemia or adult T-cell lymphoma.


Abbreviation for adult T-cell leukemia; adult T-cell lymphoma.


Abbreviation for adult T-cell leukemia; adult T-cell lymphoma.


ATLAtlanta, GA, USA - Hartsfield International (Airport Code)
ATLActive Template Library
ATLAuthority to Leave (shipping industry)
ATLAtlanta Thrashers (NHL hockey)
ATLAssociation of Teachers and Lecturers (UK)
ATLAll Time Low (band)
ATLAuthority to Load (commercial trade)
ATLAbove the Law (gaming clan; rap group; blog)
ATLHartsfield International Airport (Atlanta, Georgia)
ATLAdobe Type Library (computing)
ATLAdult T-cell Leukemia
ATLAttitudes toward Learning (education)
ATLAbove The Line (advertising)
ATLAdvanced Transmission Line (loudspeakers)
ATLAnterior Temporal Lobectomy
ATLAdvanced Technology Labs (Sprint)
ATLActors Theatre of Louisville (Kentucky)
ATLActivex Template Library
ATLAtm Layer
ATLAerodynamic Testing Laboratory
ATLAdobe Type Library
ATLAdvanced Tactical Laser
ATLAnn Taylor Loft
ATLAntenna Transmission Line
ATLAttempt to Locate (police)
ATLAir Traffic Liability (accounting)
ATLAutomated Tape Library
ATLApproach To Learning (educational term)
ATLAmericans for Technology Leadership
ATLAlgar Telecom Leste (cellular operator, Brazil)
ATLA Tu Lado (Spanish TV program)
ATLAssistive Technology Library (Minnesota)
ATLAssistant Team Leader
ATLATLAS Transformation Language
ATLAdvanced Technology Libraries (publication)
ATLApplication Template Library
ATLAssociation Tutélaire de Lozère (French: Guardianship Association of Lozère; Lozère, France)
ATLAlternate Timeline
ATLAlmost Too Late
ATLAbgasturbolader (German: turbocharger)
ATLAcademic Technology Lab (various schools)
ATLActual Total Loss
ATLAmazon Therapeutic Laboratories
ATLAutomatic Tape Library
ATLAcademy for Teaching and Learning
ATLAudit Team Leader
ATLApproved Textbook List (Singapore)
ATLAdaptive Threshold Learning
ATLAssistive Technology Lab
ATLArtificial Transmission Line
ATLAviation Traders Limited
ATLAqua Tourisme Loisirs (French tourism company)
ATLAccelerated Trade Liberalization (World Trade Organization)
ATLAdaptive Technologies Limited (Brighton & Hove, East Sussex, UK)
ATLAerosol Technology Laboratory (Autonomous Research Laboratory at Texas A&M University; College Station, Texas)
ATLA Thousand Lights (UK band)
ATLArcher Technicoat Ltd (High Wycombe, UK)
ATLAcquisitions, Logistics, and Technology
ATLAcronimo de Tres Letras (Spanish: Three Letter Acronym)
ATLAircraft Technical Library
ATLActiveX Library Template (Microsoft)
ATLAdjustable Travel Limiter
ATLAccenture Technology Lab
ATLAutomated Tax Law
ATLAccumulated Time of Leave (Australia)
ATLArkkitehtitoimistojen Liitto RY (Finnish: Association of Finnish Architects' Offices RY)
ATLAutomated Test Library
ATLADSL Transmission Line
ATLAccredited Teacher Leadership (New South Wales Institute of Teachers; New South Wales, Australia)
ATLAccount Technical Lead
ATLATWCS Training Laboratory
ATLAngle Technology Ltd (UK)




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