
At·lan·te·an 1

A0498600 (ăt′lăn-tē′ən, ăt-lăn′tē-)adj. Of or like the Titan Atlas, especially in having a fundamental role or great strength.
[From Greek Atlās, Atlant-, Atlas; see Atlas.]

At·lan·te·an 2

A0498600 (ăt′lăn-tē′ən, ăt-lăn′tē-)adj. Of or relating to Atlantis.


(ˌætlænˈtiːən; ætˈlæntɪən) adj1. (Classical Myth & Legend) literary of, relating to, or like Atlas; extremely strong2. (European Myth & Legend) of or connected with Atlantis


(ˌæt lænˈti ən, -lən-)

adj. of or pertaining to the Titan Atlas; strong. [1660–70; < Latin Atlantē(us) < Greek Atlánteios of Atlas]