Institute of Motor Transport Research

Institute of Motor Transport Research


(in full, State Scientific Research Institute of Motor Transport, or NIIAT), a state research institute under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Highways and Motor Transport of the RSFSR. The institute was set up in Moscow in 1939 under the name of Central Institute of Motor Transport Research (TsNIIAT), was renamed All-Union Institute of Motor Transport Research (VNIIAT) for 1953–56, and has operated under its present name since 1956. It has a branch in Leningrad.

The institute studies problems of the raising of labor productivity in motor transport, the organization of shipments and lowering unit cost, the improvement of operational indexes of the rolling stock, the organization and technology of technical maintenance and repair of automobiles and tires, the organization and ensuring of the safety of motor transport, and the improvement of operational qualities of automobile fuel and lubricants. It has a graduate school.