Intel 80386

Intel 80386

(processor)(Commonly abbreviated to "386", trademark"Intel386") The successor to the Intel 80286microprocessor. It was the first Intel processor with32-bit data and address busses. It can address fourgigabytes (2^32 bytes) of memory; however, 16 megabytes is atypical maximum in IBM PCs. The 386 allows multipleapplication programs to run at the same time (when runningunder 386-specific operating systems) using "protected mode".

The first IBM compatible to use the 386 was the Compaq386, before IBM used it in high-end models of their PS/2series. It is also used in HP's RS series and manyothers.

It does not require special EMS memory boards to expandMS-DOS memory limits. With the 386, the EMS standard can besimulated in normal extended memory, and many DOS add-onsprovide this "Expanded Memory Manager" feature.

See also Intel 80386SX, BSD386.