Bertrand de Born

Born, Bertrand de:

see Bertrand de BornBertrand de Born
or Bertran de Born
, c.1140–c.1214. French troubadour of Limousin. Some of his 40 surviving poems (in Provençal) tell of his part in the struggles between Henry II of England and his sons.
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Bertrand de Born

(bûr`trənd də bôrn) or

Bertran de Born

(bĕrträN`), c.1140–c.1214. French troubadourtroubadours
, aristocratic poet-musicians of S France (Provence) who flourished from the end of the 11th cent. through the 13th cent. Many troubadours were noblemen and crusader knights; some were kings, e.g.
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 of Limousin. Some of his 40 surviving poems (in Provençal) tell of his part in the struggles between Henry II of England and his sons. For his warlike role in these quarrels, Bertrand is named as a "sower of schism" in Dante's Inferno.