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DictionarySeeair splintEncyclopediaSeesplintinflatable splint
air splinta plastic splint inflated by air used to immobilize part or all of an extremity. Synonym(s): inflatable splintsplintS15-885960 (splint) SPLINT: Patient with ankle fractureAn appliance made of bone, wood, metal, plastics, composites, or plaster of Paris used for the fixation, union, or protection of an injured part of the body. It may be movable or immovable. See: illustrationAgnew splintA splint used in fractures of the patella and metacarpus.air splintA lightweight splint used for immobilizing fractured or injured extremities. It is usually an inflatable cylinder, open at both ends, that becomes rigid when inflated, thus preventing the part confined in the cylinder from moving. Synonym: blow-up splint; inflatable splintCAUTION!Because of the tendency for the air cast to straighten out the limb as it is inflated, this device should not be used to immobilize joint dislocations or fractures with gross displacement.airplane splintAn appliance usually used on ambulatory patients in the treatment of fractures of the humerus. It takes its name from the elevated position in which it holds the arm suspended away from the body. anchor splintA splint for fracture of the jaw, with metal loops fitting over the teeth and held together by a rod.Ashurst splintA bracketed splint of wire with a footpiece to cover the thigh and leg after excision of the knee joint.Balkan splintA splint used for continuous extension in a fracture of the femur.banjo traction splintA splint made out of a steel rod bent to resemble the shape of a banjo. It provides anchor points for attachments to the fingers in the treatment of contractures and fractures of the fingers. Bavarian splintAn obsolete dressing in which plaster was applied between two layers of flannel.Bennett double-ring splint See: Bennett double-ring splintblow-up splintAir splint.Bond splintA splint used for fracture of the lower end of the radius.Bowlby splint See: Bowlby splintbox splintA splint used for fracture below the knee.bracketed splintA splint made up of two pieces of metal or wood united by brackets.Cabot splintA splint composed of a metal structure placed posterior to the thigh and leg.Carter intranasal splintA steel bridge with wings connected by a hinge, used for operation of a depressed nasal bridge.coaptation splintA small splint adjusted about a fractured part to prevent overriding of the fragments of bones. It is usually covered by a longer splint for fixation of entire section. cock-up splintA static splint to maintain the wrist in either extension or flexion.cylinder splintA splint constructed around an injured bone to reduce the potential for flexion contractures.Denis Browne splintA splint to treat talipes equinovarus (clubfoot), consisting of a curved bar attached to the soles of a pair of high-topped shoes. It is often used in late infancy and applied at bedtime. Its use generally follows casting and manipulation to reduce the deformity. dorsal blocking splintA splint constructed on the back of the hand to inhibit full extension of one or more of the finger joints and/or the wrist.Dupuytren splint See: Dupuytren, Baron Guillaumedynamic splintA splint that assists in movements initiated by the patient. Synonym: functional splintfinger splintA padded strip of malleable metal or plastic used to immobilize a fractured finger. As an alternative, the injured finger is often “buddy taped” to an adjoining finger for support. flail arm splint Abbreviation: FAS An upper-extremity orthotic device to provide support and limited function, consisting of a shoulder-operated harness, a volar supporting structure made of low-temperature thermoplastic material, and a terminal device that allows the arm to grasp or stabilize objects.Fox splintA splint formerly used for a fractured clavicle.functional splintDynamic splint.Gibson walking splintA splint that is a modification of a Thomas splint.Gordon splintA side splint used for the arm and hand in a Colles fracture.inflatable splintAir splint.interdental splintA rigid or flexible device or compound used to support, protect, or immobilize teeth that have been loosened, replanted, fractured, or subjected to surgical procedures.Jones nasal splintA splint used for the fracture of nasal bones.Levis splintA splint of perforated metal extending from below the elbow to the end of the palm, shaped to fit the arm and hand.mandibular advancement splintA device to maintain an open airway in patients who suffer partial upper airway collapse during sleep. The splint is placed in the mouth at bedtime. McIntire splintA splint shaped like a double inclined plane, used as a posterior splint for the leg and thigh.occlusal splintA splint fashioned to cover the incisal and occlusal surfaces of a dental arch to stabilize the teeth, treat bruxism, or facilitate proper occlusal positioning.opponens splintA splint designed to maintain the thumb in a position to oppose the other fingers.padded board splintA splint of wood, typically padded on one side and covered with plastic or cloth, to which an injured extremity can be fastened to immobilize it.permanent fixed splintA nonremovable splint firmly attached to an abutment used to stabilize or immobilize teeth. A fixed bridge may serve as a permanent fixed splint for such support. resting hand splintResting pan splint.resting pan splintA splint designed to position the fingers and stabilize the hand in a functional position with the fingers held in opposition. Synonym: resting hand splintstatic splintAny orthosis that lacks movable parts and is used for positioning, stability, protection, or support.Stromeyer splint See: Stromeyer splintsugar tong splintA splint commonly used instead of a cast to immobilize a Colles fracture after it has been reduced. The splint permits the affected arm to swell without being compressed within the confines of the cast yet maintain its alignment. Follow-up diagnostic images of the fracture are typically obtained 5 to 7 days after placement of the splint to ensure that adequate reduction of the fracture is maintained. temporary removable splintAny of a variety of splints used for temporary or intermittent support and stabilization of the teeth.tenodesis splintA splint fabricated to allow pinch and grasp movements through use of wrist extensors. Synonym: wrist-driven flexor hinge hand splintThomas splint See: Thomas splinttraction splintA splint that provides continual traction to a midshaft lower extremity fracture. VACUUM SPLINTvacuum splintA negative-pressure splint to immobilize the extremities or torso after an injury. It may be used to safely transport the injured person. The splint consists of a nylon appliance filled with Styrofoam-like beads. The appliance is fitted around the injured body part and air is removed using a vacuum pump. As air is removed, the appliance conforms to the body part without straightening the limb. CAUTION!Distal neurovascular function must be monitored after splint application. If decreased circulation or neurological involvement is noted, the splint must be loosened immediately.illustrationVolkmann splint See: Volkmann, Richard vonwrist-driven flexor hinge hand splintTenodesis splint. |