intercellular bridges

in·ter·cel·lu·lar bridg·es

slender cytoplasmic strands connecting adjacent cells; in histologic sections of the epidermis and other stratified squamous epithelia, the bridges are processes without cytoplasmic continuity attached by desmosomes and are shrinkage artifacts of fixation; true bridges with cytoplasmic confluence exist between incompletely divided germ cells. Synonym(s): cell bridges, cytoplasmic bridges

in·ter·cel·lu·lar bridges

(in'tĕr-sel'yū-lăr brij'ĕz) Slender cytoplasmic strands connecting adjacent cells; in histologic sections the bridges are shrinkage artifacts; true bridges with cytoplasmic confluence exist between incompletely divided germ cells.
Synonym(s): cell bridges, cytoplasmic bridges.