Alstrom syndrome

Al·ström syn·drome

(ahl'strem), [MIM*203800] retinal degeneration with nystagmus and loss of central vision, associated with obesity in childhood; sensorineural hearing loss and diabetes mellitus usually occur after age 10; autosomal recessive inheritance.

Alström syndrome

(ăl′strəm, äl′strœm)n. An inherited syndrome marked by retinal degeneration with nystagmus and loss of central vision, nerve deafness, childhood obesity, type 2 diabetes, and other conditions.

Alström syndrome

Alström-Hallgren syndrome, retino-otodiabetic syndrome Ophthalmology An AR condition characterized by progressive blindness, type 1 DM, obesity, deafness, normal mental capacity

Als·tröm syn·drome

(ahl'strem sin'drōm) Retinal degeneration with nystagmus and loss of central vision, associated with obesity in childhood; sensorineural hearing loss and diabetes mellitus usually occur after age 10 years;autosomal recessive inheritance; associated with the ALMS1 gene.


Carl-Henry, Swedish geneticist, 1907–. Alström syndrome - retinal degeneration with nystagmus and loss of central vision.