internal cerebral veins

in·ter·nal ce·re·bral veins

[TA] paired veins passing caudally near the midline in the tela choroidea of the third ventricle, formed by the union of the choroid vein, thalamostriate (terminal) vein, and vein of septum pellucidum, and uniting caudally so as to form the great cerebral vein. Synonym(s): venae internae cerebri [TA], veins of Galen (1)

in·ter·nal ce·re·bral veins

(in-tĕr'năl ser'ĕ-brăl vānz) [TA] Paired veins passing caudally near the midline in the tela choroidea of the third ventricle, formed by the union of the choroid vein, thalamostriate (terminal) vein, and vein of septum pellucidum, and uniting caudally so as to form the great cerebral vein.
Synonym(s): venae internae cerebri [TA] .


Claudius, Greek physician and medical scientist in Rome, c. 130-201 A.D. Galen anastomosis - Synonym(s): Galen nerveGalen bandageGalen dressingGalen foramenGalen nerve - communicating branch of superior laryngeal nerve with recurrent laryngeal nerve. Synonym(s): Galen anastomosisGalen ventriclegalenical - referring to medicine prepared from plants rather than chemicals.great cerebral vein of Galen - a large, unpaired vein formed by the junction of the two internal cerebral veins. Synonym(s): great vein of Galengreat vein of Galen - Synonym(s): great cerebral vein of Galenveins of Galen - Synonym(s): internal cerebral veins