isovaleric acidemia

i·so·va·ler·ic ac·i·de·mi·a

(ī'sō-vă-ler'ik as'i-dē'mē-ă), [MIM*243500] An inborn error of leucine metabolism characterized by psychomotor retardation, a specific odor reminiscent of sweaty feet, vomiting, acidosis, and coma; associated with excessive production of isovaleric acid upon protein ingestion or during infectious episodes; due to a deficiency of isovaleryl-CoA dehydrogenase; severe metabolic acidosis results from the large quantities of acid formed. Autosomal recessive inheritance; two forms are known: the acute neonatal form with fulminant metabolic acidosis and rapid death and the chronic form characterized by intermittent episodes of severe ketoacidosis. Synonym(s): sweaty feet syndrome

isovaleric acidemia

A rare autosomal recessive metabolic disease affecting leucine metabolism. Isovaleric acid accumulates in the blood during periods of increased amino acid metabolism. Coma and death may occur. See also: acidemia