Juárez Celman, Miguel

Juárez Celman, Miguel

(mēgĕl` hwä`rās sĕl`män), 1844–1909, president of Argentina (1886–90). After political service in the province of Córdoba, he became president for a six-year term. Speculation, flagrant under his predecessor Julio A. RocaRoca, Julio Argentino
, 1843–1914, general who became president of Argentina (1880–86, 1898–1904). Minister of war under Nicolas Avellaneda, he crushed (1878–79) the Patagonians, bringing the wars against indigenous peoples to a close and opening the
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, now reached its height, and the administration was notorious for corruption. Political opposition to his government increased after he left his party. A revolt in July, 1890, was suppressed, but Juárez Celman was forced to resign (Aug., 1890). He was succeeded by Carlos Pellegrini.