keep up with the times

keep up with the times

To modify or update one's behavior or beliefs to reflect what is current. Of course Grandpa doesn't have a cell phone—he never wants to keep up with the times. That senator needs to keep up with the times and stop saying things that are wildly inappropriate in today's world. As information becomes more readily available in a digital format, publishers are going to have to change their methods if they want to keep up with the times.See also: keep, times, up

keep up with the times

Fig. to work to appear contemporary and fashionable. I am too old-fashioned. I have to keep up with the times better. I don't care about keeping up with the times.See also: keep, times, up

keep up, move, etc. with the ˈtimes

change in the same way as the rest of society changes: In business it’s important to keep up with the times.People’s tastes change with the times. OPPOSITE: be (stuck) in a time warpSee also: keep, times