Kalawao County

Kalawao County, Hawaii

On the island of Molokai, southeast of the island of Oahu. Established 1905 (prior to statehood); has no county government for statistical purposes is considered as one of the judicial districts of Maui County. Site of a colony for victims of leprosy or Hansen's disease; administered by the state department of health.
Area (sq mi):: 52.33 (land 13.21; water 39.12) Population per square mile: 8.40
Population 2005: 111 State rank: 5 Population change: 2000-20005 -24.50%; 1990-2000 13.10% Population 2000: 147 (White 22.40%; Black or African American 0.00%; Hispanic or Latino 4.10%; Asian 17.00%; Other 57.10%). Foreign born: 20.40%. Median age: 58.60
Income 2000: per capita $13,756; median household $9,333; Population below poverty level: 40.10% Personal per capita income (2000-2003): $25,135-$27,310
Unemployment (2004): 0.00% Unemployment change (from 2000): 0.00% Median travel time to work: 12.90 minutes Working outside county of residence: 0.00%
Cities with population over 10,000: None
See other counties in Hawaii.