a cape on the coast of the Black Sea in northeastern Bulgaria near which, on July 31 (Aug. 11), 1791, occurred the naval battle that ended the Russo-Turkish War of 1787–91.
The Russian squadron (16 battleships, two frigates, and 19auxiliary vessels), commanded by Rear Admiral F. F. Ushakov, discovered the Turkish fleet (18 battleships, 17 frigates, and 43auxiliary vessels) lying under the protection of shore batteriesnear Cape Kaliakra. Using a bold tactical maneuver (breakingthrough between the shore and the enemy fleet), Ushakov dis-rupted the enemy’s battle formation, cut him off from shore, andopened up with his own well-aimed guns. Kapudan Pasha Hu-sayn, the Turkish commander, and Sayyid Ali Pasha, the com-mander of the Turkish advance guard, were unable to reorganizeand counterattack. Having suffered serious damage, the Turkishships retreated. The victory at Kaliakra led to the conclusion of the Jassy Peace Treaty of 1791.