Kalibr Moscow Tool Plant

Kalibr Moscow Tool Plant


a large-scale enterprise of the Soviet tool industry; it produces measuring instruments, unique gauges for evaluating the surface finish and dimensions of parts, and a variety of automatic machines for determining the quality of parts in mass production. It was founded in 1932. Until 1941 it produced gauges, micrometers, sliding calipers, and linear end blocks. After 1945 the list of the plant’s products was considerably expanded. Since the 1960’s there has been great growth in the production of automatic testing and measurement machines for automatic lines in machine building, and the output of such high-precision instruments as profilographs, length-measuring machines, and special gauges has increased.

The plant has been awarded medals at international and all-Union exhibitions. Mechanized and automatic flow production lines have been introduced for the production of micrometers and sliding calipers. In 1973 the output of products exceeded the 1937 output by a factor of 37 (1937 was the year in which the planned capacity was attained). The plant was awarded the Order of the October Revolution in 1971.