


a genus of shrubs of the family Chenopodiaceae. The leaves are alternate and have fleshy blades that are often very short or underdeveloped. The bisexual or unisexual flowers are usually gathered in threes and submerged in the fleshy axis of the spikelets, which form the polystachyous inflorescence. The perianth is pentamerous and adnate almost to the top. The fruit is one-seeded and indehiscent.

There are five species of Kalidium, distributed in Europe and Asia. The USSR has four species, which are found in the European part, Southern Siberia, and Middle Asia. They grow in the semidesert and desert zones in salt marshes and along the wet, saline shores of rivers and lakes. The most common species, K. foliatum, forms a thick cover. In the autumn and winter it can be used as feed for camels, sheep, and goats. All species of Kalidium contain potash in their ashes.