Kalinin, Anatolii Veniaminovich

Kalinin, Anatolii Veniaminovich


Born Aug. 9 (22), 1916, in the stanitsa (cossack village) of Kamenskaia (the present-day city of Kamensk-Shakhtinskii). Soviet Russian writer. Member of the CPSU since 1946.

Kalinin’s novel The Burial Mounds was published in 1941. During the Great Patriotic War of 1941—45 he served as a correspondent at the front for Komsomol’skaia pravda; his novellas In the South (1944) and Comrades (1945) and his novel The Red Banner (1951), which grew out of the shorter works, deal with the heroism of the Soviet forces. After the war Kalinin settled on the Don, and life on the kolkhoz provided him with material for his books of essays The Undying Roots (1947), At the Mean (1954), Moonlit Nights (1955) and Pomegranate Juice (1968). His novel Forbidden Zone (book 1, 1962) concerns the building of the Volga-Don Canal. Scenes of the war are brought to life in Kalinin’s novella Echo of the War (1963) and in his novel The Harsh Field (1958). Kalinin is also the author of the novella The Gypsy (parts 1–3, 1960–70; film of the same name, 1967); the novel Bells, Ring Out I (1967), about the problems of upbringing in a family; and a book of essays on M. A. Sholokhov entitled Summer in Veshensk (1964).

Kalinin writes in the Sholokhovian tradition, his works posing the important questions of modern life. A number of Kalinin’s works have been translated into foreign languages. He has been awarded three orders and various medals.


Surovoe pole: Povesti i rasskazy. Moscow, 1960.


Zlobin, S. “O pomane A. Kalinina Surovoe pole.” Novyi mir, 1959, no. 7.
Dement’ev, A. “Po povodu stat’i Stepana Zlobina.” Novyi mir, 1959, no. 7.
Kochetov, V. “Ne tak vse prosto.” Oktiabr\\ 1963, no. 11.
Survillo, V. “K voprosu o nasledstvennosti.” Novyi mir, 1964, no. 7.
Sinel’nikov, M. ‘“Golos krovi’ i goloslovnost’ kritiki.” (In reference to Survillo’s article “K voprosu o nasledstvennosti.”) Literaturnaia gazeta, 1964, Sept. 24.
Russkie sovetskie pisateli-prozaiki: Bibliograficheskii ukazateV, vol. 2. Leningrad, 1964.