Bibliography of Bibliographies
Bibliography of Bibliographies
(also, secondary bibliography), a type of bibliography whose tasks include information about bibliographical aids. It accomplishes its purpose through bibliographical indexes and surveys. The following current indexes are bibliographies of bibliography: in the USSR, the annual Bibliography of Soviet Bibliography (for 1939 and 1946–65), and on an international scale, the Bibliographic Index (New York, 1938–65-, which is published twice a year), Bibliographische Berichte (Frankfurt am Main, 1959-, comes out twice a year), and Index bibliographicus (4th ed., vols. 1–2, The Hague, 1959–64, which lists current bibliographical indexes of all countries by date of publication). Retrospective indexes are J. Petzholdt’s Bibliotheca bibliographica (Leipzig, 1866) and T. Besterman’s A World Bibliography of Bibliographies, 4th ed., vols. 1–5 (Lausanne, 1965–66), as well as the indexes to reference works, compiled by C. Winchell, L. Malclés, W. Totok, and others. There are numerous indexes of subject bibliographies—Bibliography of the Bibliographies of the Works of K. Marx, F. Engels, and V. I. Lenin, by L. A. Levin (Moscow, 1961) and A Guide to Foreign Bibliographies and Reference Works on Literary Scholarship and Literature by B. L. Kandel’ (Leningrad, 1959).