jugular fossa

jug·u·lar fos·sa

[TA] an oval depression near the posterior border of the petrous portion of the temporal bone, medial to the styloid process, in which lies the beginning of the internal jugular vein (jugular bulb); Synonym(s): fossa jugularis [TA]

jug·u·lar fos·sa

(jŭg'yū-lăr fos'ă) [TA] An oval depression near the posterior border of the petrous portion of the temporal bone, medial to the styloid process, in which lies the beginning of the internal jugular vein (jugular bulb).

jugular fossa

On the base of the skull, a kidney bean-shaped depression in the undersurface of petrous portion of the temporal bone. The fossa is behind the carotid canal, from which it is separated by a ridge of bone, and it forms a pocket for the superior bulb of the jugular vein, just after the vein has exited the skull through the jugular foramen. See also: fossa