


(also Karmirblur), a hill on the left bank of the Razdan River, on the western outskirts of the city of Yerevan. In 1936 an Urartian cuneiform inscription with the name of King Rusa (Rusas), son of Argistis II (seventh century B.C.), was found on Karmir-Blur. Systematic excavations were con-ducted from 1939 through 1971, which unearthed a citadel onthe hill and the remains of the city of Teishebaini around its base.Extensive material about the economy and culture of the ancientstate of Urartu was obtained. The citadel was destroyed at thebeginning of the sixth century B.C. by local tribes, who wereattempting to throw off the Urartian yoke, and by the Scythians, with whom these tribes allied themselves.