


a peak in the Northern Urals, in the Is-sledovatel’skii Range, on the border between the Komi ASSR and Tiumen’ Oblast of the RSFSR. Elevation, 1, 878 m. The mountain is composed of quartzites and crystalline schists. Mountain tundra predominates on the peak, and there is sparse coniferous forest in the foothills. The mountain was named in honor of the Soviet geologist A. P. Karpińskii.



an active volcano in the southern part of theisland of Paramushir (in the Kuril Islands). It consists of twogently sloping cones up to 1, 345 m high, composed of andesitesand andesite-basalts. There are two craters; the fumaroles emithot gases and fountains of liquid sulfur. The activity of thevolcano intensified in 1952. The slopes are broken by ancientglacial cirques, the most extensive of which was erroneouslythought to be a caldera. The volcano was named in honor of theSoviet geologist A. P. Karpińskii.