JP Coleman State Park

JP Coleman State Park

Parks Directory of the United States / State Parks / Mississippi
Location:Off MS 25 4 miles north of Iuka, turn onto CR 989, then go right on CR 321 and continue 1 mile to park entrance.
Facilities:69 developed campsites with full hookups and bathhouse with restroomsand hot showers, 17 tent campsites, 20 vacation cabins, motel with 16 rooms (2@di) and 3 townhouses, picnic area and shelter, boat launch, marinawith slip rentals, miniature golf course (seasonal), visitor centerwith convention center and meeting rooms.
Activities:Camping, swimming, fishing, boating, sailing, water-skiing, jet skiing, miniature golf.
Special Features:Park is situated on a rocky bluff overlooking the Tennessee River and offers a wide range of water recreation activities.
Address:613 County Rd 321
Iuka, MS 38852

Size: 637 acres.

See other parks in Mississippi.