

单词 keyhole



K0046300 (kē′hōl′)n.1. The hole in a lock into which a key fits.2. Basketball The key.


(ˈkiːˌhəʊl) n1. (Mechanical Engineering) an aperture in a door or a lock case through which a key may be passed to engage the lock mechanism2. any small aperture resembling a keyhole in shape or function3. (General Engineering) a transient column of vapour or plasma formed during the welding or cutting of materials, using high energy beams, such as lasers



n. 1. a hole for inserting a key in a lock. 2. the area at each end of a basketball court that is bounded by two lines extending from the end line parallel to and equidistant from the sidelines and terminating in a circle around the foul line. adj. 3. extremely private or intimate; revealing. 4. snooping and intrusive: a keyhole investigator. [1585–95]
Noun1.keyhole - the hole where a key is insertedkeyhole - the hole where a key is inserted hole - an opening deliberately made in or through somethinglock - a fastener fitted to a door or drawer to keep it firmly closed


(kiː) noun1. an instrument or tool by which something (eg a lock or a nut) is turned. Have you the key for this door? 鑰匙 钥匙2. in musical instruments, one of the small parts pressed to sound the notes. piano keys. 琴鍵 琴键3. in a typewriter, calculator etc, one of the parts which one presses to cause a letter etc to be printed, displayed etc. 字鍵 字键4. the scale in which a piece of music is set. What key are you singing in?; the key of F. 音調 5. something that explains a mystery or gives an answer to a mystery, a code etc. the key to the whole problem. 關鍵 秘诀6. in a map etc, a table explaining the symbols etc used in it. (地圖等)符號說明表 图例 adjective most important. key industries; He is a key man in the firm. 關鍵的 关键的ˈkeyboard noun1. the keys in a piano, typewriter etc arranged along or on a flat board. The pianist sat down at the keyboard and began to play; A computer keyboard looks like that of a typewriter; (also adjective) harpsichords and other early keyboard instruments. 鍵盤 键盘2. any keyboard (musical) instrument. 任何鍵盤樂器 电子琴ˈkeyhole noun the hole in which a key of a door etc is placed. The child looked through the keyhole to see if his teacher was still with his parents. 鎖眼 锁眼keyhole surgery noun surgery done through a very small cut in the body. 栓孔手術 锁眼切口手术ˈkeynote noun1. the chief note in a musical key. 主音 基调2. the chief point or theme (of a lecture etc). 主旨,要旨 主题,要旨 keyed up excited; tense. 激動的,緊張的 紧张的,激动的



1. an aperture in a door or a lock case through which a key may be passed to engage the lock mechanism 2. a transient column of vapour or plasma formed during the welding or cutting of materials, using high energy beams, such as lasers


[′kē‚hōl] (design engineering) A hole or a slot for receiving a key. (metallurgy) A welding method wherein the heat source, because of its concentration, causes a hole through the surface immediately ahead of the molten weld metal in the direction of welding; the hole is filled as the welding progresses, ensuring complete joint penetration. (ordnance) Of a bullet, to strike a target after tumbling in flight so that the long axis of the bullet and the line of flight are not the same; usually caused by failure of the bullet to receive sufficient spin from the rifling in the barrel.
MedicalSeekeyLegalSeeKeySee KH
See KH


  • noun

Words related to keyhole

noun the hole where a key is inserted

Related Words

  • hole
  • lock




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