

 [bi″o-mi´kro-skōp] a microscope for examining living tissue in the body.


(slit'lamp), In ophthalmology, an instrument consisting of a microscope combined with a rectangular light source that can be narrowed into a slit. Synonym(s): biomicroscope, Gullstrand slitlamp


, slit lamp (slit'lamp) ophthalmology An instrument consisting of a microscope combined with a rectangular light source that can be narrowed into a slit for examination of the eye.
Synonym(s): biomicroscope, Gullstrand slitlamp.


1. An instrument designed for detailed examination of ocular tissues containing a magnifying system and usually used in conjunction with a slit-lamp. Biomicroscopy can be used to examine both the anterior segment using various illumination techniques and the posterior segment of the eye. 2. Term commonly used to describe a slit-lamp (although this is not strictly correct).