Acronym | Definition |
JLS➣Jack the Lad Swing (Xfactor group) |
JLS➣Java Language Specification |
JLS➣Jane Lathrop Stanford (California) |
JLS➣Journal of the Lepidopterists' Society |
JLS➣Juntas Locales de Seguridad (Spanish: Local Boards Security; various locations) |
JLS➣Judith Lee Stronach (University of California, Berkeley) |
JLS➣Junior League of Springfield |
JLS➣Junior League of Seattle |
JLS➣Jini Lookup Service |
JLS➣Journal of Legislative Studies |
JLS➣Junior League of Sacramento |
JLS➣Junior League of Summit |
JLS➣Junior League of Sarasota |
JLS➣Junior League of Syracuse |
JLS➣Junior League of Savannah |
JLS➣Jesus Loves Sinners (pop group) |
JLS➣Japanese Language System |
JLS➣Just Little Sausages |