interstitial nucleus

in·ter·sti·tial nu·cle·us

[TA] a group of widely spaced, medium-size neurons in the dorsomedial region of the upper mesencephalic tegmentum, immediately lateral to the nucleus of Darkschewitsch; together with the latter, the interstitial nucleus is closely associated with the medial longitudinal fasciculus, through which it receives fibers from the vestibular nuclei and projects crossed fibers through the posterior commissure to the oculomotor nucleus; also projects fibers to all spinal levels. It is believed to be involved in the integration of head and eye movements, particularly eye movements of a vertical or oblique nature. Synonym(s): nucleus interstitialis [TA], interstitial nucleus of Cajal

Ca·jal nu·cle·us

(kah-hahl' nū'klē-ŭs) Collection of nerve cells lying at the rostral end of the medial longitudinal fasciculus; has reciprocal projections to the vestibular nuclei and also connects to the spinal cord.
Synonym(s): interstitial nucleus.


Santiago, Spanish histologist and Nobel laureate, 1852-1934. Cajal astrocyte stain - a method for demonstrating astrocytes by impregnation in a solution containing gold chloride and mercuric chloride.Cajal cell - Synonym(s): horizontal cell of CajalCajal formol ammonium bromide solutionCajal gold-sublimate methodCajal uranium silver methodhorizontal cell of Cajal - a small fusiform cell found in the superficial layer of the cerebral cortex with its long axis placed horizontally. Synonym(s): astrocyte; Cajal cellinterstitial nucleus of Cajal - a group of neurons believed to be involved in the integration of head and eye movements. Synonym(s): interstitial nucleus