Jendrassik maneuver

Jen·dras·sik ma·neu·ver

(yĕn-drah'sik), a method of emphasizing the patellar reflex: the subject hooks the hands together by the flexed fingers and pulls against them with all possible strength.

Jendrassik maneuver

Neurology A method of enhancing the patellar reflex by briskly yanking at the leg

Jen·dras·sik ma·neu·ver

(yen-drah'sik mă-nū'vĕr) A method of emphasizing the patellar reflex: the subject hooks the hands together by the flexed fingers and pulls against them with all possible strength.


Ernö, Hungarian physician, 1858-1921. Jendrassik maneuver - a method of emphasizing the patellar reflex: the subject hooks his hands together by the flexed fingers and pulls against them with all his strength.