angioid streaks

an·gi·oid streaks

[MIM*607140] calcification of lamina basalis choroideae visible in the peripapillary fundus oculi; associated with pseudoexanthoma elasticum, sickle cell disease, and Paget disease; predisposing to choroidal neovascularization. Synonym(s): elastosis dystrophica, Knapp streaks, Knapp striae

an·gi·oid streaks

(an'jē-oyd strēks) Breaks in Bruch membrane visible in the peripapillary fundus oculi, and sometimes mistaken for choroidal vessels.
Synonym(s): Knapp streaks, Knapp striae.

Angioid streaks

Gray, orange, or red wavy branching lines in Bruch's membrane.Mentioned in: Pseudoxanthoma Elasticum


Herman J., U.S. ophthalmologist, 1832-1911. Knapp cataract knifeKnapp eye speculumKnapp iris hookKnapp iris knife needleKnapp iris repositorKnapp iris scissorsKnapp iris spatulaKnapp lacrimal sac retractorKnapp lens scoopKnapp lid operationKnapp pterygium operationKnapp streaks - striae in Bruch membrane occurring in a variety of systemic disorders affecting elastic tissue. Synonym(s): angioid streaks; Knapp striaeKnapp striae - Synonym(s): Knapp streaks

angioid streaks 

Degeneration of Bruch's membrane of the choroid characterized by brown or reddish lines or streaks in the fundus of the eye. The condition is bilateral, although one eye may be affected more than the other. Patients may occasionally be aware of some visual impairment in the visual field depending on the location of the streaks. The membrane is very fragile and liable to rupture in the case of ocular trauma, which may lead to macular haemorrhage and visual loss. Angioid streaks are often found in association with pseudoxanthoma elasticum (an eruption of small, superficial, solid elevation of the skin of the neck and other areas), Paget's disease, Ehlers-Danlos syndrome or sickle-cell anaemia. See choroidal neovascularization.