

 [an″je-o-ker″ah-to´mah] a dermatosis marked by telangiectasia with secondary epithelial changes, including acanthosis and hyperkeratosis. Facial rash of angiokeratoma in a male with tuberous sclerosis. From Mueller and Young, 2001. angiokeratoma cor´poris diffu´sum an error of metabolism" >inborn error of metabolism of glycolipids characterized by purpuric skin lesions (angiokeratomas); see also fabry's disease.


(an'jē-ō-ker'ă-tō'mă), A superficial, intradermal, capillary-acquired telangiectasis, with wartlike hyperkeratosis and acanthosis. Synonym(s): keratoangioma, telangiectasia verrucosa, telangiectatic wart [angio- + G. keras, horn, + -ōma, tumor]


(ăn′jē-ō-kĕr′ə-tō′mə)n. An intradermal hemangioma covered by a wartlike thickening of the horny layer of the epidermis.


Any of a group of vascular ectasias of the papillary dermis, which may produce papillomatosis, acanthosis, and hyperkeratosis of the epidermis, which are more common in women (female:male ratio, 3:1) and on the leg. Of the 8 types, Mibelli described an angiokeratoma affecting the fingers and toes and Fabry reported angiokeratoma circumscriptum as a localised lesion on the leg or trunk. Angiokeratomas are clinically important because they clinically mimic melanoma.


(an'jē-ō-ker-ă-tō'mă) A superficial capillary telangiectasis, over which wartlike hyperkeratosis and acanthosis appear.
Synonym(s): telangiectatic wart.
[angio- + G. keras, horn, + -ōma, tumor]


(an'jē-ō-ker-ă-tō'mă) Superficial, intradermal, capillary-acquired telangiectasis, with hyperkeratosis and acanthosis. [angio- + G. keras, horn, + -ōma, tumor]