释义 |
irid-pref. Variant of irido-.i•ris (ˈaɪ rɪs) n., pl. i•ris•es; esp. for 1,8 ir•i•des (ˈɪr ɪˌdiz, ˈaɪ rɪ-) for 2,3 i•ris; n. 1. the contractile, circular diaphragm forming the colored portion of the eye and containing an opening, the pupil, in its center. 2. any plant of the genus Iris, having flowers with three upright petals and three drooping, petallike sepals. 3. a flower of this plant. 4. (cap.) an ancient Greek goddess of the rainbow and messenger of the gods. 5. a rainbow. 6. iris diaphragm. v.i. [1350–1400; Middle English < Latin Īris, īris < Greek Îris, îris rainbow] EncyclopediaSeeIrisirid-
irid(o)- word element [Gr.], iris of the eye; a colored circle.irido- , irid- (ir'i-dō, ī-rid'ō; ir'id), The iris. [G. iris (irid-), rainbow] irido- , irid- Combining forms meaning the iris. [G. iris (irid-), rainbow]ThesaurusSeeiris |