JMVJournal of Medical Virology (Wiley)
JMVJava Molecular Viewer
JMVJugador Mas Valioso
JMVJornal do Medio Vale (Portuguese: Journal of the Middle Valley; Brazil)
JMVJeunesse Mariale Vincentienne (French: Vincentian Marian Youth)
JMVJardins de la Montagne Verte (French: Gardens of Green Mountain)
JMVJohn Michael Vincent (radio show personality)
JMVJava Molecular Viewer (computer programming)
JMVJose Manuel Vidaurre (photography studio; Miami, FL)
JMVJames Milson Village (Australia)
JMVJoint METOC Viewer (US Navy)
JMVJMTK Visualization (software)
JMVJapan Milk Vegetable Co., Ltd.
JMVJotne Mekaniske Verksteder (Norwegian: Giants Mechanical Workshop)
JMVJupiter Mining Vessel (Star Trek TNG)