Jégé, Ladislav

Jégé, Ladislav


(pseudonym of L. Nádaši). Born Feb. 12, 1866, in Dolný Kubín; died there July 2, 1940. Slovak writer.

A physician by profession, Jégé turned to literature at the end of the 19th century, although his major works were not written until after 1918. He was strongly influenced by the realist traditions of Slovak writers. Prominent among Jégé’s works are historical novels, notably Adam Sangala (1923–24), Svatopluk (1928), and On the Road of Life (1930). His collections Kpzinsky Mill (1931) and In Their Midst (1934) contain satirical short stories ridiculing bourgeois manners and morals.


Spisy, vols. 1–5. Bratislava, 1956–59.


Gregorec, J. Dilo L. N. Jégého. [Bratislava] 1957.
Jégé v kritike a spomienkach. Bratislava, 1959.