Julia Pfeiffer Burns State Park
Julia Pfeiffer Burns State Park
Location:37 miles south of Carmel on Highway 1.
Facilities:Environmental campsites, picnic areas, restrooms, hiking trails.
Activities:Camping, hiking, scuba diving (with permit), wildlife viewing.
Special Features:Park stretches from the Big Sur coastline into nearby 3,000-foot ridgesand features redwood, tan oak, madrone, chaparral, and an 80-footwaterfall that drops from granite cliffs into the ocean from theOverlook Trail. A spot at the end of Overlook Trail is a great place tosee gray whales in December and January. A panoramic view of the oceanand miles of rugged coastline is available from the higher elevationsalong the trails east of Highway 1. A portion of the park is anUnderwater Area for scuba diving.
Address:c/o Monterey District Office
2211 Garden Rd
Monterey, CA 93940
Web: www.parks.ca.gov/default.asp?page_id=578
Size: 3,762 acres.
See other parks in California.