iridocorneal endothelial syndrome

ir·i·do·cor·ne·al en·do·the·li·al syn·drome

syndrome of glaucoma, iris atrophy, decreased corneal endothelium, anterior peripheral synechia, and multiple iris nodules. Synonym(s): Cogan-Reese syndrome, iris-nevus syndrome

ir·i·do·cor·ne·al en·do·the·li·al syn·drome

(ir'i-dō-kōr'nē-ăl en'dō-thē'lē-ăl sin'drōm) A congenital disorder comprising glaucoma, iris atrophy, decreased corneal endothelium, anterior peripheral synechia, and multiple iris nodules.
Synonym(s): Cogan-Reese syndrome, iris-nevus syndrome.


David G., U.S. ophthalmologist, 1908-1993. Cogan syndrome - a nonsyphilitic interstitial keratitis with vertigo and tinnitus, followed by deafness. Synonym(s): oculovestibulo-auditory syndromeCogan-Reese syndrome - syndrome of glaucoma, iris atrophy, decreased corneal endothelium, anterior peripheral synechia, and multiple iris nodules. Synonym(s): iridocorneal endothelial syndrome