István Antos

Antos, István


Born June 25, 1908, in Nagyszombat; died Jan. 5,1960, in Budapest. Hungarian state figure. Economist. Received his higher education in Budapest. Professor at the University of Budapest. Minister of Finance of the People’s Republic of Hungary. Member of the Central Committee of the Hungarian Socialist Workers’ Party.

Antos participated in the elaboration of measures to stabilize the currency in 1946 and in the preparation of the first three-year national economic plan. He took part in the creation of the socialist financial and credit system. Along with his practical activity, Antos engaged in theoretical work. He laid the bases for teaching the theory of Hungarian finance economics and trained a generation of Hungarian specialists in this area.


A magyar nemzeti bank kamatpolitikaja. Budapest, 1932.
Közgazdasági politico. Budapest, 1941.
Inflado vagy jo pénz. Budapest, 1946.
A magyar hároméves tery arpolitikai kérdé sei. Budapest, 1947.
A magyar népköztársaság elsöö téves terve. Budapest, 1950.
Pénzügyek és hitel alapjai. Budapest, 1957.
Gazdaságpolitica és gazdasági iranyitás ar ellenforradalom után.Budapest, 1959.