keep on trucking

keep on trucking

A phrase of encouragement that one keep going or persisting with something, Come on, the project is not a total failure—keep on trucking! Keep on trucking, honey—tomorrow's another day.See also: keep, on, truck

keep on trucking

Inf. to continue to do well; to continue to try. Just keep on trucking, man. All I can do is keep on trucking.See also: keep, on, truck

keep on trucking

used as an encouragement to keep going, not to give up. informal 2004 Something Awful His most prized possession is a Denny 's dinner plate which was signed by Gene Roddenberry reading, ‘Dear Harlan, keep on trucking, some day you'll get the hang of this whole writing thing, sincerely Gene.’ See also: keep, on, truck

Keep on trucking

sent. Keep doing what you are doing.; Keep taking care of business. Keep on trucking. Things’ll get better. See also: keep, on, truck