Karabakh Khanate

Karabakh Khanate


a feudal state of the 18th century and early 19th century located between the Araks and Kura rivers in Azerbaijan. Founded in 1747 by Panakh Alikhan (late 1740’s—1759), the khanate periodically extended its influence over the khanates of Giandzha, Yerevan, Nakhichevan’, and Ardebil. The main occupations of the people were farming, stock raising, and fruit-growing. The craftsmen were renowned for their carpets and leather goods. Ibrahim Khalil-khan (1759–1806) appealed to Russia for protection in 1783 and 1797–99 under threat of imminent seizure of the Karabakh Khanate by Iran and Turkey. In 1805 a treaty was signed ceding the Khanate to Russia. In 1822 the khan administration was abolished and replaced by a Russian military administration.


Dzhavanshir, A. O politicheskom sushchestvovanii Karabakhskogokhanstva (s 1747 po 1805 g. J. Baku, 1961.